Building strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter
Application Process
Selection Process

There are three criteria used to select families for the Habitat Bermuda program:
1. Need for Adequate Shelter
We select low-income partner families whose present housing is inadequate. These families are, nevertheless, willing to do what they can to help themselves improve their housing situations. The extent of the need and the inadequacy of the present housing circumstances are important considerations.
2. Economic Need
Using factors such as minimum income guidelines, debt-to-income ratio, and history of monthly payment consistency, along with other factors, we can determine whether our applicants are unable to afford to cover the costs of fixing their homes. Partnering families must fall into the low-income category.
3. Willingness to Partner
Applicants must be willing to commit to the sweat-equity requirement, which will mean contributing their labour to other Habitat Bermuda projects.
How Are Families Selected?
Once an application is received, it is reviewed by the Family Selection Committee, which is comprised of volunteers from the community. The Committee first looks to see that the applicant meets the three basic criteria of low income, housing need and a willingness to partner with Habitat.
In order to get to know each applicant family better, there is a home-visit by two members of the Family Selection Committee. This is an opportunity for Habitat Bermuda to assess the housing need of the applicants and their commitment to the mission of Habitat Bermuda.
Who Can Apply?
Habitat Bermuda accepts applications from individual families churches, community groups, neighbourhood organizations or other affiliations that wish to recommend or sponsor a family in need.
The referring organization will then remain part of the construction or renovation process by supporting the family and helping to supply some of the volunteer labour.
Families or Organizations such as those above are invited to call the Habitat Bermuda office at 296-0256 to obtain an application form.
If you are an individual or family who meets Habitat Bermuda’s criteria for assistance and would like further information, please email us at habitat.bermuda@gmail.com
Who Pays?
Because much of the labour and a significant portion of the materials are donated, the ultimate cost of most projects is expected to be much below market value.
Habitat operates a little differently from many of the affiliates of Habitat International in that most of our projects are pro bono. We have discovered over the 23 years that Habitat has operated in Bermuda, that most of the families that need our help are unable to afford to repay Habitat. Consequently, Habitat relies solely on the generosity and support of individuals and local and international companies located in Bermuda.