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Become a volunteer.


Before you start volunteering with Habitat Bermuda, you may have some questions you need answered...


Who can volunteer? How old do I have to be (or can I be) to volunteer? What if I’ve never done any construction before?


Anyone can volunteer with Habitat Bermuda. There is no maximum age for volunteers, and all skill levels are welcome - there are lots of different types of jobs that always need to be done!


What days can I volunteer? What are the hours?


The site hours are 9:00am - 4:30pm and most of our volunteer work takes place on the weekend.


How do I sign up? Do I have to call ahead to schedule?


Everyone must call the office to sign up for volunteering. In order to provide the best experience and have the most productive day on site, Habitat Bermuda strives to ensure that enough management and construction expertise is on-hand to lead groups of enthusiastic volunteers. For this reason, it is imperative that volunteers check with the office to reserve a space on their preferred work day. So, to sign



Read through all of the Volunteer Questions on this page.


Print out our volunteer signup sheet by clicking here.


Check your schedule, pick a day to start, and call the office at 296-0256 to be put on the calendar.


What should I wear? What do I do if it’s raining?


Construction can be dirty work! Wear sturdy shoes and clothes you don't mind getting paint, concrete, dirt, and many other forms of non-removable gunk on. Also, keep in mind that some work is outdoors, so dress appropriately for the weather. We do work on rainy days so come prepared for light rain. Heavy rain can cause us to close the site, however, either midway through the day or before opening in the morning.


What kind of work will we do?


All sorts of work, at all times, takes place on Habitat Bermuda work sites. Please be prepared to assist in whatever the day's tasks may be and remember that flexibility is key. Every job helps to put people in homes! If you have special skills, don't be shy in letting us know about them!


Let Habitat staff know about your skill set upon your arrival in case you can be of unique assistance.


What if I have more questions?


Feel free to give us a call at the office at 296-0256 or contact us through e-mail at if there is anything you are still unsure about or any other information you'd like.


Thank you for volunteering with Habitat Bermuda!

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