Building strength, stability and self-reliance through shelter
Transformational Living Center
Providing a nurturing, supportive and safe residence
for homeless families in Bermuda.

In 2022, Habitat completed the TRANSFORMATIONAL LIVING CENTRE (TLC) for FAMILIES is a purpose designed housing shelter on Parson's Road in Pembroke (the former Pembroke Rest Home). The TLC addresses the growing problem of homelessness among families with children in Bermuda.
The design and operation of the TLC is based on the premise articulated by "HOUSING FIRST" which is that very little can be accomplished developmentally or therapeutically unless or until one's basic needs for food and shelter are met.
The TLC, under the management of the Women’s Resource Centre, seeks to change that trajectory and, with the help of the generous Bermuda Community, we believe this can not only be accomplished, but will establish a model that can be replicated throughout Bermuda.